How to Switch Characters in GTA 5

How to Switch Characters in GTA 5

How to Switch Characters in GTA 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 is a sprawling open-world game that allows players to control three different characters: Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. This gives players a lot of flexibility in how they approach the game, and it can be helpful to switch between characters in order to complete different tasks or explore different parts of the map.

How to Switch Characters in GTA 5 on Console

To switch characters in GTA 5 on console, simply hold down the Down button on the D-Pad. This will bring up a wheel with all three characters, and you can use the Right Analog Stick to select the character you want to switch to. Once you have selected a character, release the Down button and you will be switched to that character.

How to Switch Characters in GTA 5 on PC

To switch characters in GTA 5 on PC, simply hold down the Alt key. This will bring up a wheel with all three characters, and you can use the Mouse to select the character you want to switch to. Once you have selected a character, release the Alt key and you will be switched to that character.

When Can't I Switch Characters in GTA 5?

There are a few times when you will not be able to switch characters in GTA 5. These include:

During missions.

At some scripted events during the game.

If you are in a car and the other character is not in a car.

If you are in a cutscene.

Why Would I Want to Switch Characters in GTA 5?

There are a few reasons why you might want to switch characters in GTA 5. These include:

To complete different tasks. For example, if you need to steal a car, you might want to switch to Franklin, who is a skilled driver.

To explore different parts of the map. Each character has different starting locations, so you can use them to explore different parts of the map.

To get different perspectives on the story. Each character has their own unique story arc, so switching between characters can help you to understand the story better.


Switching characters is a great way to experience all that GTA 5 has to offer. By following the steps above, you can easily switch between characters and take advantage of all the different abilities and perspectives each character has to offer.

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