How to Make a Stylus at Home

How to Make a Stylus at Home

How to Make a Stylus at Home

Do you have a touchscreen device but no stylus? Don't worry, you can easily make your own stylus at home with a few simple materials. Here are two easy methods:

Method 1: Using a Pen and Cotton Swab

Remove the ink cartridge from the pen.

Cut a cotton swab in half.

Insert the cotton swab into the tip of the pen.

Secure the cotton swab in place with tape.

Your stylus is now ready to use!

Method 2: Using Aluminum Foil and Cotton

Cut a small piece of aluminum foil.

Tear off a small piece of cotton.

Place the cotton on top of the aluminum foil.

Wrap the aluminum foil around the cotton.

Secure the aluminum foil in place with tape.

Your stylus is now ready to use.

How to Make a Stylus at Home

Tips for Making a Stylus

Make sure the cotton or aluminum foil is not too thick, or it will be difficult to use the stylus.

If you are using a pen, make sure the tip is not too sharp, or it could scratch your touchscreen device.

You can also add a bit of water to the cotton or aluminum foil to make it more conductive.

Benefits of Making Your Own Stylus

It's a fun and easy project that you can do at home.

It's a great way to save money.

You can customize your stylus to your own liking.


Making your own stylus is a great way to save money and get a stylus that is customized to your own liking. With just a few simple materials, you can easily make a stylus that works just as well as a store-bought stylus.

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